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Crowth hormone

In your eyes, your child is so much more than feet and inches

Alphatropin is a prescription growth hormone therapy for children and adults with certain growth disordes

Whatis it?

What is growth hormone?

All kids are different. That’s what makes them who they are.
So their rate of growth may not be the same as other kids their age.

But most kids follow a similar pattern as they reach certain growth milestones. These milestones may differ in infancy, childhood, and adolescence. If you feel that your child is smaller than others his or her age, the best person to talk to about your child’s growth is your doctor.

All kids are different. That’s what makes them who they are.
So their rate of growth may not be the same as other kids their age.

But most kids follow a similar pattern as they reach certain growth milestones. These milestones may differ in infancy, childhood, and adolescence. If you feel that your child is smaller than others his or her age, the best person to talk to about your child’s growth is your doctor.
The product

Increases growth hormone concentration to the limit value

The secretion of growth hormone, like many other hormones, occurs periodically and has several peaks during the day

The basal concentration of growth hormone in the blood is 1-5 ng / ml, during the peaks can rise to 10-20 and even 45 ng / ml

The product

Regulates protein metabolism

Stimulates the transport of amino acids into the cell and protein synthesis. Increases the number and size of muscle cells, hepatocytes, thymus cells, thyroid, adrenal glands and sex glands.

The product

Mobilizes fats

Reduces the concentration of cholesterol and increases TG, reduces the amount of adipose tissue.

The product

Anabolic effect

Detains Na +, K +, phosphorus and water in the body (prevents removal); has anabolic (stimulates the transport of amino acids into the cell and protein synthesis), hyperglycemic effect (suppresses the release of insulin). ncreased excretion of Ca2 + by the kidneys is compensated by increased its absorption in the gastrointestinal tract.

The product

Choose a form of the drug

A complete kit for receiving alfatropina, which consists of all the necessary.
The kit includes 10 ampoules, 10 vials and 10 syringes for
intramuscular administration of the drug.

A complete kit for receiving alfatropina, which consists of all the necessary.
The kit includes 10 ampoules, 10 vials and 10 syringes for
intramuscular administration of the drug.

The product

Choose a form of the drug

  • The development of the drug began at the California
    Institute of Medicine and Health
  • Various tests have been completed, the effectiveness of the drug
    has been proven. Production started on the German
    equipment in Düsseldorf
  • Received an award for innovative development
    in the field of medicine
  • Alphatropin entered the world market

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